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«Руины» — 791 глава манги One Piece. Вышла глава 29 июня 2015.


Обложка по заявкам: "Пожалуйста, нарисуйте Санджи и Чоппера, делающими хлеб вместе с двумя мышками". от Синорииты из Итабаси

Краткое содержание

Истощенный последним усилием, Луффи падает, но Ло переносит его в безопасное место, используя свою силу. С помощью Shambles тот заменяет тело пирата на кусок камня. Птичья Клетка исчезает, Гатз объявляет победителя схватки горожанам. Наконец они свободны от десятилетней лжи и жестокого правления Шичибукая.

Полное содержание

After taking Luffy's King Kong Gun, Doflamingo is knocked unconscious and crashes through the ground, landing in the underground trade port. The citizens and fighters stare in shock as an exhausted Luffy releases his Gear Fourth state and is blasted away by the air released. However, Law uses Shambles to switch Luffy with a rock, sending an unconscious Luffy crashing into the ground as Viola, Rebecca, and Gatz look in astonishment.

In the Underground Trade Harbor, Doflamingo's broken sunglasses bounce away from his unconscious body. The citizens are still unsure what has happened and demand that Gatz explain. A weakened and wounded Gatz prepares to announce the outcome of the fight even though warned to not over-do himself. Gatz then points out that the Birdcage is disappearing, comparing it with the dissipation of Doflamingo's control over them. Elsewhere Zoro's group, the gladiators' group, and Franky's group give a final push as the Birdcage finally disappears, with the force of the final push causing the SMILE Factory to topple on its side. Gatz tearfully announces that Dressrosa is finally free after a colossal battle between Luffy's allies and the Donquixote Pirates, but due to his wounds and overflowing tears, he occasionally lapses into gibberish, and the citizens shout at him to announce the winner. As Gatz bawls in anticipation, Riku remembers Doflamingo arriving at his window ten years ago, and Rebecca remembers Luffy's promise to send Doflamingo flying and free the prisoner gladiators. Finally, Gatz announces that "Lucy" has won and that Dressrosa is now free from the Donquixote Pirates.

Across the island everyone is celebrating, even going as far as to shed tears of joy. Franky remembers the dwarves saying how lonesome Kyros had been when he was a toy for ten years, being unable to cry to alleviate the pain. A smiling Kyros heads behind a piece of rubble, remembering the effort he and the dwarves had made to dethrone Doflamingo for the past ten years, and finally cries with joy. Although Dressrosa had been reduced to rubble, everyone on it was happy due to the events that had transpired.


Примечания по главе

  • Дофламинго наконец побежден, Птичья Клетка исчезает.
    • Лицо Дофламинго без очков показано, но его глаза не видно.
  • Все члены команды Донкихота побеждены, народ Дресс Розы освобожден.
    • Детка 5 покинула предыдущих накама и присоединилась к Саю.
  • Луффи потерял сознание после победы.
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